
I will get up early tomorrow morning to catch the sunrise. She got a new job last week and is very excited about it. We have gotten used to the new schedule at work. If you study hard, you will get good grades in your exams. He got lost in the city and had to ask for directions. I need to get groceries from the store before it closes. They got married last year and are now expecting a baby. I have gotten better at playing the guitar since I started taking lessons. She got a promotion at work and is now managing a team. I see a beautiful sunset every evening from my balcony. She saw a strange bird in the garden yesterday. Have you seen the latest movie in the theater? He saw an opportunity and decided to take it. I've never seen such a magnificent view before. Did you see the news about the upcoming concert? They saw the fireworks display on New Year's Eve. We have seen significant progress in our project. Can you see the mountains in the distance? Here are 9 different sentences in English, each containing either "involve" or "involved": 1. The complex project involved multiple teams working together seamlessly. 2. She didn't want to involve her parents in the decision-making process. 3. The police investigation involved questioning dozens of witnesses. 4. Cooking a gourmet meal often involves careful preparation and timing. 5. He became involved in local politics after retiring from his corporate job. 6. The scandal involved several high-ranking officials in the government. 7. Learning a new language involves dedication and consistent practice. 8. The children were excited to be involved in the school play this year. 9. We should involve more diverse voices in the discussion to get a well-rounded perspective.1. 我明天早上要早起去观赏日出。她上周找到了一份新工作,对此非常兴奋。 2. 我们已经习惯了工作中的新时间表。 3. 如果你努力学习,你将在考试中取得好成绩。 4. 他在城市里迷路了,不得不问路。 5. 我需要在商店关门前去买些杂货。 6. 他们去年结婚了,现在正在期待一个宝宝。 7. 自从我开始上吉他课以来,我的吉他演奏技巧有所提高。 8. 她在工作上得到了晋升,现在负责管理一个团队。 9. 我每天晚上都能从阳台上看到美丽的日落。 10. 昨天她在花园里看到了一只奇怪的鸟。 11. 你看过最近在电影院上映的电影吗? 12. 他看到了一个机会,并决定抓住它。 13. 我以前从未见过如此壮丽的景色。 14. 你看到有关即将举行的音乐会的新闻了吗? 15. 他们在新年前夕观看了烟花表演。 16. 我们在项目中取得了显著进展。 17. 你能在远处看到山吗? 以下是9个包含“involve”或“involved”的不同英文句子: 1. 这个复杂的项目涉及多个团队无缝协作。 2. 她不想让她的父母参与决策过程。 3. 警方调查涉及询问数十名证人。 4. 烹饪一顿美食通常需要仔细的准备和时间控制。 5. 他在从公司职位退休后开始参与当地政治。 6. 这起丑闻涉及政府中的几位高级官员。 7. 学习一门新语言需要投入和持续的实践。 8. 孩子们今年很兴奋能参与学校的戏剧表演。 9. 我们应该在讨论中纳入更多不同的声音,以获得全面的观点。

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